Paulo Ueti, Anglican Alliance Theological Advisor & Latin American Regional Director, introduces the work of the Lusophone Network.


Lusophone Network


A dream you dream alone is only a dream.
A dream you dream together is the beginning of reality.

(Miguel de Cervantes) – from the II Lusophone Network meeting, Brazil 2015 

The network aims to increase the visibility of the Portuguese speaking Anglican - Episcopalian Churches. It also works for the various national churches to develop and grow by sharing resources and offering mutual support, encouragement and knowledge. The focus is on diakonia, the care of creation, theological/christian education, Women and Youth.

The Network is connected to Anglican agencies and organizations that share the relationship with Anglican and Episcopalian Portuguese speaking churches:

ALMA (Angola Association, London, Mozambique)
MANNA (Mozambique and Angola Association)
Anglicans for the Environment - Lusophone Network 

This network is one of many within the Anglican Communion. Each connects a group of people around a particular area of mission, ministry and attention. Its purpose is to contribute to the unity, life and witness of the Anglican Communion.


These some commitments: 

  • To promote in each Church the dissemination of the action of the different Anglican Churches of Portuguese expression; 

  • To establish relations of partnership in mission among different Portuguese-speaking Anglican dioceses and other actions of relationship, exchange of delegations and sharing of information and resources;

  • To request the solidarity and support of other organizations of the Anglican world to carry out these actions

The network has as its chair Bishop Jorge Pina Cabral, Bishop of the Lusitanian Church, Portugal. It shares regularly a newsletter with some key information from the churches and local ministries, exchange visits were made, focusing on youth ministry, the sharing of theological resources and training (specially via e-learning) is priority, with successful experiences so far. 

Anglican Alliance regional director for Latin America and Theological Advisor is supporting the Network facilitating sharing information, theological training, connections and advising the Chair when needed.  

This is the creed from the II meeting in Brazil: 

We believe in God; 
We believe in the power of poor people,
In the audacity of those poets, 
In the boldness of the prophets, 
In the inspiration of the artists

We believe in Jesus, 
we believe in humility to serve;
In the courage to transform, 
in the joy of celebrating,
In the respect of the differences, 
in the bread for the whole table, 
in comfort for every sorrow.

We believe in the Spirit, 
we believe in the hope of starting over;
In the beauty of the gesture of solidarity, 
in fairness to all oppression,
in compassion before pain,
In love, divine-human gift. Amen.

The Foundation has supported a number of projects connected with the Lusophone Network, particularly in Angola and Mozambique.